Three directions of evolution
A new Android platform system was adopted for RICOH THETA V. It not only improves basic functions but also allows a variety of function expansions to be used by installing additional "plug-ins".
We will also release several API/SDK's and create an environment that allows developers to collaborate on various devices and platforms.
(1) Upgrading the camera firmware and app

(2) Installing various types of additional plug-ins

(3) Publishing various types of API/SDK

Updating the firmware provides improvements to the basic performance of THETA V as a 360° camera such as image quality, stitching and communication.
Also, constantly upgrading the smartphone app will improve functions and usability.
Installing additional plug-ins on the Android platform will continue to provide various types of features "plug-ins" that will expand the range of use in many different directions such as camera functions, functions to link with external equipment and network connection functions. The user can choose the function they want and evolve THETA V to fit their needs.
Developers all over the world will be able to participate in the THETA V evolution project after we publish API and SDK that allows them to freely develop "plug-ins" and smartphone apps.
This will increasingly expand the possibilities for evolution and allow users to get greater use out of their THETA V.

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